Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why gaming consoles are made when computers are capable?

Computers that meet minimum requirements for games are able to do what gaming consoles do, and a lot more.

Why do consumers continue to purchase expensive gaming console hardware knowing that it is just another (redundant) computer in disguise?

Why gaming consoles are made when computers are capable?
computers get viruses, they slow down when you download so many games, they always need to be updated and to buy a newer computer to keep up with the better games
Reply:To use a pc you need at least an functioning brain - you know, for install, configuring etc.

Any dimwit can plug a cartridge or insert a disk - much bigger market.
Reply:Game Consoles are specifically designed to be able to play a specific se of games, and companies sell gaming consoles to get more money.
Reply:Its for those people who can't keep up with the computer hardware and such. Video card and memory upgrades can really burn a hole in your pocket. So they buy a gaming console knowing that it will be able to play whatever game comes out without much issues.
Reply:You get a different gaming experience on a console than you do on a computer. Also, some games are played better on some systems than others.

For instance, look at the Wii. There's no other gaming experience quite like it, because of how the controls work. Also, think about sports games on any of the major consoles over the last decade - though you can get the same games on PC, most people don't want to gather around a computer monitor to play Madden, Rockband, RayMan, Mario Party, or whatever.

On the other hand, computers are better with other types of games, such as first-person shooters (mouse and keyboard is superior to a joystick, no matter how you cut it, though the Wii remote+nunchuck combination is pretty slick).

Also, your statement about minimum requirements is false. Minimum requirements means that your graphic levels are set to as low as possible, and you'll still have choppy graphics while playing. With gaming consoles, programmers know exactly what kind of hardware is there, and create games that are able to take advantage of that hardware without over-taxing it like a computer with minimum requirements for a game.

So why do people buy "overpriced" gaming consoles (which, dollar for dollar, are more powerful for gaming than a cheap computer is)? Because of the different gaming experiences that are had by console systems.
Reply:Because consoles are deticated to gaming witch makes them superoir to the pc. Yes we have some sick *** gaming cards but the fact is its not 100% the gaming card or console. Its the game maker 80% is the game maker. For example, Crysis had better grahics or phycis then any game on console but if they made a xbox 360 verison i am sure it would be just as good or better. Get my point?
Reply:Game consoles are designed specifically to play games, so thats all they do, and do it best (of course this could be argued). If you want a true gaming computer, expect to pay a lot more, about 3k, where a console is only 300-400.

Of course you could get by with minimum specs, but this won't be anywhere near the performance of new generation console. However, if your getting a top of the line game system, than you may very well outperfor a console.

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