Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What do you think about video gaming becoming more life-like due to the development of technology?

Video gaming is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Although it may prove to be an excellent source of stress relieve, but do you think that there are other implications to it? Both pros and cons of video gaming are welcomed. If so, what do you think can be done about it?

What do you think about video gaming becoming more life-like due to the development of technology?
The trend in video gaming just keeps getting better and better. When I was a kid, the very first video game that came out was called Pong...which involved 2 paddles and bouncing ball and 2 goals and was in 2 colors--black and white only. Not many years later, people were playing Ms. Pacman, then not many from that--Gauntlet and then 3D shooters.

I believe within 10 years time, maybe even in 5 years--you are going to see the first home virtual reality systems/chambers--in which lcd/plasma will be on all sides of a person (including the top) and sounds from all sides -- driven by much higher capacity PC's than now exist (but are coming soon). This is going to take gaming (and a number of things) up to a whole new level. Kindof a mini-holodeck in Star Trek language--but right in your own house.

Along with this, after about 10 years--will come personal robots and devices.

A few of the very early models of both robots and virtual reality already exist (but nothing like what is coming).

The implications of gaming --

The biggest one that is often over-looked is simple: nothing is actually real or done in person in video games. So you conquer 1000s of monsters and villians online. Big deal. None of it is real. I'm not saying fantasy is of no value--but what happens when fantasy jumps ahead of reality for many people?
Reply:i think itz cool! bcause itz lets u njoy wat u cannot, in real life....

but as always 2 much of anythin is bad....but for the rest of the gamerz out ther........ENJOY ppl.....
Reply:I guess one obvious is drawing the line at real life and virutal reality. I know of children that do have the problem of drawing that distinction. I do however believe that it is a copout on the parents side as well as lawmakers, to blame violent video games for the childs actions. Children mimic whatever they see in life, if it's not a game it's cartoons, if it's not cartoons it's another child.

I think that gaming is a great stress reliever as long as it's done as a moderate activity and not as an all day affair..... I've done it on many a night.... ouch on the eyes.

It all comes down to self control. Yes it can be addicting, and it needs to be watched, but not for violence or sexual content, just amount of time spent. Kick the kid off after 45 minutes or so. Encourage breaks, sit down and make sure they know the differences of real life and the games life, and the consequences of those actions inthe real world. They'll figure it out.

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