Friday, May 21, 2010

What is more popular Computer online gaming or Xbox live?

well computer is streching really far since theri is about 10x more games than 360 and maost have online and couple hundreds at least and MMO's are about the millions such as WOW

(ok ) just to show of to the guy below me \/ i have the 8800 gtx so please dont bother ppl with ur lcd screens he was asking the dumbest qestion someone with an educated brain would ask if he has one.

also with teh graphics card i had u can last at least 2 years or about.

What is more popular Computer online gaming or Xbox live?
No doubt, Computer Online Gaming but not all people has Xbox but mostly everyone has a PC except for our poor brothers and sisters.
Reply:the computer by a longshot
Reply:d'uh. it's obvious. computer online gaming at the moment. i wouldnt be surprised if the next generation xBox or Playstation consoles etc are integrated with some sort of internet connectivity for multiplay.

However, online computer would still prevail by that time. Nowadays u can hook up your computer to ur LCD(mine is sony bravia) and use it as a display. Even now, i'm connceting my laptop to my LCD tv for display.. i play games etc... its so much fun and easy.. and WOW, the sounds from my home theater when i play CounterStike... Fantabulous!

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